Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Legend of Pollard’s Lands

An enterprising knight rids the Bishop of Durham of a troublesome boar, but the price comes as a shock to his lordship.


Music at Midnight

To do one’s duty is to peep into the mystery of life, and taste reward from another world.


Sir Walter Raleigh

Sir Walter’s dizzy life brought him fame and fortune in dangerous places, the most dangerous of which was Court.


British Mandatory Palestine

After the Great War, the British Government did keep one of her many wartime promises to her allies.


Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar

Snaring a wild boar turns out to be much less dangerous than keeping centaurs away from their wine.


The Legend of King Leir

An early British king discovers what he is really worth to his daughters.