
Music and Musicians

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Music and Musicians

Elias Parish Alvars

Eli Parish of Teignmouth in Devon became one of Europe’s most celebrated virtuosos.

Music and Musicians

John Playford

In England’s brief but dismal experiment as a Republic, Playford saved traditional English dance music from destruction.

Music and Musicians

Rule, Britannia!

‘Rule Britannia’ was a discreet way of telling a German prince what was expected of a British King.

Music and Musicians

The ‘Raindrop’ Prelude

As the storm raged around him, raindrops fell like music on the pianist’s heart.

Music and Musicians

Zadok the Priest

Handel’s anthem sets to glorious music words sung at English coronations for over a thousand years.

Music and Musicians

A Touch of Silk

A Dubliner with a roving eye and a gift for melody, John Field challenged Europe’s pianists to demand more of themselves.