Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A Conqueror Has No Friends

When Alexander the Great threatened the people of Scythia, their ambassadors reminded him that a conqueror has many more burdens to carry than an ally has.


Caesar Crosses the Rubicon

When Julius Caesar defied the Senate’s explicit order to resign his military command, he knew there could be no turning back.


The Desolation of Delhi

In 1327, Mohammad bin Tughluq gave every man, woman and child in Delhi just three days’ notice to quit.


Sunspots and Wheat Prices

William Herschel showed that variations in the brightness of the sun were causing climate change, but hardly anyone believed him.


Jane Seymour

It was a bitter moment for Anne Boleyn when she saw that what she herself had done to poor Catherine of Aragon, Jane Seymour was about to do to her.


Counsel’s Duty to his Client

When King George IV tried to divorce Queen Caroline with maximum embarrassment, her barrister warned that two could play at that game.