Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Brutus of Britain

Back in the days of the prophet Samuel, so the story goes, a grandson of Trojan hero Aeneas brought civilisation to the British Isles.


When the Cat’s Away...

A Victorian artist and avid bird-watcher banished cats from his country cottage, but soon wished he hadn’t.


A Dereliction of Duty

Edmund Burke tore into the directors of the East India Company, accusing them of doing less for the country than India’s mediaeval conquerors.


Justice and Equity

After the East India Company quieted the Maratha Confederacy in 1805, Harsukh Rai looked forward to a new era of good government.


The Moth Versus the Fire

After its prime minister signed the Maratha Confederacy over to the East India Company, the member states rose up in a body.


My Long Walk to Beaver Dams

A ‘slight and delicate’ Canadian woman defied twenty miles of rugged terrain in sweltering heat to warn of an impending attack by American invaders.