Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Messing About in Boats

Mole is enjoying the most wonderful Spring morning, skipping his chores and going for a row with Rat.


A Sight of Two Seas

In 1573, Sir Francis Drake had two ambitions: to revenge himself on the Spanish, and to see with his own eyes the Pacific Ocean.


Everyone Has His Part

William Dampier describes the hand-to-mouth existence of the aborigines of northwest Australia, and reveals a people far advanced in charity.


The Great Stand at the River Ugra

Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow, finally stood up to the Great Horde and their opportunistic Western allies.


Selections from the Great Charter

By the Great Charter of 1215, King John promised that his ministers would not meddle in the Church or stuff his Treasury with taxes on trade.


Wait and See

Edmund Burke urged Englishmen not to congratulate the French revolutionaries on their new-found liberty until they knew what they would do with it.