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Lives of the Saints

The Lion and the Lamb

St Bede examines the connection between Passover and Easter, and shows how the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ complete a pattern.

French History

A Smuggler and a Gentleman

Harry Paulet was going about his unlawful business when he spotted a French fleet slip quietly out of Brest and into the Atlantic.

Tudor Era

No Smoke Without Fire

Sir Walter Raleigh was within his rights to experiment with the Native American habit of smoking tobacco, but he should have told his servants first.

Tudor Era

A Step Up for Captain Raleigh

When young Walter Raleigh first came to the court of Queen Elizabeth I he had little more than his wardrobe in his favour, and he wore it wisely.

James Alexander Lovat-Fraser

The Length of a Horse

Unlike some of his fellows in Westminster, Scottish statesman Henry Dundas made no attempt to make himself sound more ‘English’.

Modern History

The Wreck of the ‘Dutton’

Sir Edward and Lady Pellew were on their way to a dinner engagement one stormy day, when their carriage was caught up in tragedy at sea.