Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Away to Your Own Country

As the Duke of Bedford and other English captains were besieging Orleans, they received a startling letter from a seventeen-year-old girl.


Politics and the Pulpit

Edmund Burke begged the clergy of England to give us all a break from the twenty-four-hour news cycle.


Messing About in Boats

Mole is enjoying the most wonderful Spring morning, skipping his chores and going for a row with Rat.


A Sight of Two Seas

In 1573, Sir Francis Drake had two ambitions: to revenge himself on the Spanish, and to see with his own eyes the Pacific Ocean.


Everyone Has His Part

William Dampier describes the hand-to-mouth existence of the aborigines of northwest Australia, and reveals a people far advanced in charity.


The Great Stand at the River Ugra

Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow, finally stood up to the Great Horde and their opportunistic Western allies.