
Political Extracts

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International Relations

The Crudest of Mistakes

Sir Bernard Pares warned that after the Great War, Western powers must not assume Germany’s role as supercilious bully.

Abolition of Slavery

True Colours

The Russian Consul in New York issued a stern rebuke to those trying to break Britain’s ban on slave-trading by sailing under his nation’s colours.

Extracts from Literature

Carry Opinion With You

Britain’s first qualified female doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, had a message for the first women to study for London University’s degree in medicine.

Free Speech and Conscience

No Danger in Discussion

It should never be labelled ‘dangerous’ to subject Government policy to calm and honest criticism.

Abolition of Slavery

Away with Compulsion!

John Wesley called for a world in which no one was forced to go against his conscience or to serve against his will.

Abolition of Slavery

Make the Case Your Own

John Wesley wondered how those involved in the slave trade would feel if the tables were ever turned on them.