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# Free Speech and Conscience

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# Free Speech and Conscience

Magna Carta Memorial, Runnymede. © CC BY-SA 4.0.


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Passages defending the right and obligation of every citizen to judge whatever is good and true, and to talk back to those who govern him.


Liberty and Prosperity

No Platform

Fiery young attorney Thomas Erskine stood up in the House of Commons to denounce a bill aiming to silence critics of the Government.

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for Free Speech and Conscience

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Free Speech and Conscience

Who Can Refute a Sneer?

Clever people have realised that it is easier to get people on your side by mockery than by persuasion.

Free Speech and Conscience

Question More

Ordinary people put too much faith in the judgment of experts, which is bad for us and bad for the experts.

Free Speech and Conscience

Order and Method

Taking the trouble to express ourselves more clearly helps us to think more clearly too.

American Civil War

‘If They Can Stand It I Can’

However loud his critics shouted their disapproval, Abraham Lincoln would neither deprive them of free speech nor change his opinions.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Boldness of Junius Mauricus

Pliny admired Julius Mauricus because he spoke his mind, and Emperor Nerva because he let him.

Free Speech and Conscience

Of Hares, Hounds and Red Herrings

In January 1807, newspapers breathlessly reported that Napoleon Bonaparte’s rampage across Europe was at an end — but was it true?