
Extracts from Literature

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Extracts from Christian Literature

Fire and Ice

When the angels rebelled against their Maker, they demanded a kingdom of their own in a land without him — and he gave them what they wanted.

Lives of the Saints

The Lion and the Lamb

St Bede examines the connection between Passover and Easter, and shows how the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ complete a pattern.

Liberty and Prosperity

No Platform

Fiery young attorney Thomas Erskine stood up in the House of Commons to denounce a bill aiming to silence critics of the Government.

James Alexander Lovat-Fraser

The Length of a Horse

Unlike some of his fellows in Westminster, Scottish statesman Henry Dundas made no attempt to make himself sound more ‘English’.

Proverbs and Quotations

Proverbs of the Northmen

Among the oldest surviving fragments of Norse poetry are some lines of rugged common sense which any age would do well to heed.

Tudor Era

What to Do With a Glove Full of Angels

Henry VIII and his mistress Anne Boleyn were disappointed once again in their hopes of catching Thomas More with his fingers in the till.