
Extracts from Literature

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Poets and Poetry

On Westminster Bridge

On his way to war-torn France, William Wordsworth passed through London and was overwhelmed by the quiet of the early morning.

American Revolutionary War

English Spirit

Edmund Burke told the House of Commons that the American colonies’ refusal to be dictated to by Westminster was the very spirit that had made the Empire great.

Free Speech and Conscience

Truth By Statute?

John Milton reminded Parliament that the Truth wasn’t what they and their fact-checkers in Stationers’ Hall made it.

International Relations

Naked Aggression

Richard Cobden told his audience in the London Tavern that however much sabre-rattling was heard in St Petersburg, the average Russian was a man of peace.


Hideyoshi Changes His Mind

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Chancellor of the Realm and Imperial Regent of Japan, was inclined to encourage Christianity until he found out why European Powers were so keen on it.

Norman Era

The Better Man

Two monks vying for the abbot’s chair at one of England’s prestigious monasteries each promised King William Rufus handsome rewards for his favour.