
Liberty and Prosperity

Stories from Britain and elsewhere confirming the social and economic benefits of keeping politicians and their cronies out of the trade and business of ordinary people.

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A Man Called Mouse

In an enduring fable from the Kathasaritsagara, an Indian merchant explains how he acquired his nickname.


The Quiet Revolutionary

As Viceroy of India, Lord Ripon was rather more popular with the people of India than he was with some of his own civil servants.


Africa’s Competitive Edge

Four years before the bloody American civil war, Dr David Livingstone proposed a peaceful way to rid the world of slavery.


Equally Free

Sir Joshua Fitch urges Victorian society to let women make their own career choices – whatever they may be.


Disbanding Empire

Adam Smith could not imagine it would ever happen, but he nevertheless recommended that Britain grant independence to her colonies.


The Open Sea

Richard Cobden despaired at British statesmen using the peerless Royal Navy merely to strangle trade in other countries.