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Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Weary Hawk

A bird of prey shattered the peace of St Cuthbert’s island, and was taught an unforgettable lesson.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Expert Witness

A hungry monk thought he had got away with the tastiest of crimes, but St Cuthbert kept his promise to his beloved birds.

Discovery and Invention

The Tanfield Railway

Opened in 1725, the Tanfield Railway is one of the oldest railways still operating anywhere in the world.

Liberty and Prosperity

A Nation’s Wealth

It is not politicians and their policies that create wealth, but the hard work and ingenuity of ordinary people.

Lives of the Saints

St Dwynwen

St Dwynwen was a 5th century princess regarded by some as Wales’s answer to St Valentine.

Lives of the Saints

The Martyrdom of St Alban

Alban voluntarily swapped places with a priest, and was executed for being a member of a banned religious sect.