Infinity Bridge, Stockton-on-Tees.

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Liberty and Prosperity

Stories from Britain and elsewhere confirming the social and economic benefits of keeping politicians and their cronies out of the trade and business of ordinary people.

There are 169 posts in The Copy Book tagged Liberty and Prosperity. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Excess Postage

Rowland Hill calculated that a lower, flatter rate of postage would not only make the public better off and better read, but increase the Revenue.


Question More

Ordinary people put too much faith in the judgment of experts, which is bad for us and bad for the experts.


The Rochdale Pioneers

In 1843, a group of working men gathered in Rochdale to discuss how to ease the cost of living for their families, and the Co-op was born.


A Conflict of Interest

Economist Adam Smith warned that when Western commercial interests get involved in policy-making abroad, war and want are sure to follow.


Unsuitable for Export

Our peculiar brand of democracy and liberty is a noble thing, but we should be wary of recommending it to other countries.



Three years before the Great War, Rudyard Kipling recalled how one English king simply paid his bullying neighbours to stay at home.