
Anglo-Saxon Era 93 posts Page 1 of 16


Anglo-Saxon Era

The Battle of Nechtansmere

King Ecgfrith of Northumbria dismissed repeated warnings about his imperial ambitions.

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for Anglo-Saxon Era

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Norman Era

One Vast Heap of Booty

Embarrassed by the behaviour of his Norman bishops and abbots, King William I asked monk Guitmond to come over and set an example.

Scandinavian History

Vige, the Viking’s Dog

Vige was the inseparable companion of swashbuckling Viking warlord Olaf Tryggvason, who picked him up in Ireland.

Scandinavian History

‘I Have No Quarrel With Any Man’

Magnus, Earl of Orkney, disappointed King Magnus of Norway by refusing to get involved in somebody else’s war.

Bible and Saints

Song of Angels, Joy of the Blest

Cynewulf encourages his listeners to remain committed to the Christian life, by reminding them of the reward that awaits them.

Bible and Saints

Heaven’s Harbour

The lives of men are like voyages across stormy seas, but we no longer have to sail them as if they were uncharted waters.

Anglo-Saxon Era

Fatal Counsel

King Edmund Ironside’s courageous defence of his crown against the invading Danes was undermined by treachery at home.