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Free Trade and Markets 27 posts Page 1 of 5

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Free Trade and Markets

Excess Postage

Rowland Hill calculated that a lower, flatter rate of postage would not only make the public better off and better read, but increase the Revenue.

Length: 114 words

Free Trade and Markets

A Conflict of Interest

Economist Adam Smith warned that when Western commercial interests get involved in policy-making abroad, war and want are sure to follow.

Length: 116 words


Economic Illiteracy

If Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli really wanted a better-educated public, he must tackle the high cost of living.

Length: 58 words

Free Trade and Markets

Free Trade is Fair Trade

Thorold Rogers looks at how Governments have tried to make trade ‘fair’, and concludes that they would have been better ensuring it was free.

Length: 116 words

Liberty and Prosperity

Private Prudence, Public Folly

Adam Smith contrasted the Government’s handling of the national economy with the way most families handled theirs.

Length: 117 words

Liberty and Prosperity

The Friendship of Trade

As Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli stoked fears of Russian aggression, John Bright said that Russia was only threatening when she felt threatened.

Length: 115 words