The Copy Book

Joseph and Potiphar

Joseph’s master finds his new servant indispensable, but unfortunately his wife finds him irresistible.

Bronze Age ?3000 – ?1050 BC

By Guido Reni (1575-1642), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.

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Joseph and Potiphar

By Guido Reni (1575-1642), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain. Source

“And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.” Potiphar’s wife is not named in the Biblical account. Medieval writers dubbed her Zuleika, a name borrowed from Arabic meaning ‘fair’, ‘brilliant, lovely’.

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Episode 2 of 6 in the Series The Story of Joseph


Young Joseph’s brothers have wearied of his dreams of glory and his position as their father Jacob’s favourite. So they have beaten him, stripped him of his fine coat, and sold him to a passing caravan of merchants bound for Egypt. The story for Jacob, however, is that a wild animal has killed his beloved son.

THE merchants who bought Joseph from his brothers sold him on to an Egyptian named Potiphar, an officer in the Pharaoh’s guard. Joseph proved so indispensable, that before long all Potiphar’s affairs were left unquestioningly in his capable hands.

Joseph made a particularly strong impression on his master’s wife, who propositioned him daily without success. At last she made a grab for him. Joseph twisted aside, leaving her holding his empty robe; which she, smarting at the rejection, spitefully exhibited to her husband as proof that Joseph had attempted to seduce her. Feeling hurt and betrayed, Potiphar had Joseph jailed.

The chief gaoler, however, found Joseph quite as trusty as Potiphar had, and soon all the inmates were bringing their problems to him. They included two disgraced members of the royal household, the Pharaoh’s chief baker and his butler, and both sought Joseph’s advice about troubling dreams.

It was to prove a turning point in all their lives.

Next Joseph and Pharaoh
Based on Genesis 39.


Word Games

Spinners Find in Think and Speak

For each group of words, compose a sentence that uses all three. You can use any form of the word: for example, cat → cats, go → went, or quick → quickly, though neigh → neighbour is stretching it a bit.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.

1 Household. Husband. Success.

2 Both. Hand. Officer.

3 Indispensable. Point. Seek.

Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)

Statements, Questions and Commands Find in Think and Speak

Use each word below in a sentence. Try to include at least one statement, one question and one command among your sentences. Note that some verbs make awkward or meaningless words of command, e.g. need, happen.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.

1 Twist. 2 Include. 3 Dream. 4 Point. 5 Leave. 6 Hand. 7 Name. 8 Husband. 9 Trouble.

Variations: 1. use a minimum of seven words for each sentence 2. include negatives, e.g. isn’t, don’t, never 3. use the words ‘must’ to make commands 4. compose a short dialogue containing all three kinds of sentence: one statement, one question and one command

Homonyms Find in Think and Speak

Each of the words below has more than one possible meaning. Compose your own sentences to show what those different meanings are.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.

1. Hold. 2. Last. 3. Point. 4. Long. 5. Live. 6. Left. 7. Found.

Show Suggestions

For each word above, choose one or more suitable meanings from this list.

1. Continue for a certain duration. 2. Previous, most recent. 3. Dwell, exist. 4. Extending over great time or distance. 5. A particular spot. 6. Abandoned. 7. Charged with electricity. 8. Have in the hands; one’s grip. 9. The primary issue. 10. Yearn. 11. A unit of score in e.g. tennis. 12. A cobbler’s tool. 13. Discovered. 14. Chief cargo space of a ship. 15. Not recorded. 16. Establish an institution. 17. Went away. 18. The final one in a series. 19. Indicate a direction. 20. Sharp. 21. The opposite side to the right.

High Tiles Find in Think and Speak

Make words (three letters or more) from the seven letters showing below, using any letter once only. Each letter carries a score. What is the highest-scoring word you can make?

x 0 Add

Your Words ()

Show All Words (47)

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