
Women and Women’s Issues

in The Copy Book

There are fifteen posts in The Copy Book tagged Women and Women’s Issues. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Carry Opinion With You

Britain’s first qualified female doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, had a message for the first women to study for London University’s degree in medicine.



Educational reformer Emily Davies argued that Victorian women had more to offer society than a purely ornamental erudition.


The Peterloo Massacre

A rowdy but good-humoured crowd gathered in St Peter’s Fields, Manchester, to protest against electoral malpractice and Government cronyism.


On Top of the World

Maria Montessori takes some of her pupils up onto a roof terrace, and witnesses a eureka moment.


The Weakness of Women

Daniel Defoe argues that it is in every man’s interest to watch the women in his life realise their full potential.


The Wife of Bath’s Tale

An Arthurian knight commits a dreadful crime against a woman, and is sent by Queen Guinevere on a fitting errand.