
King William I (the Conqueror)

in The Copy Book

There are six posts in The Copy Book tagged King William I (the Conqueror). To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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One Vast Heap of Booty

Embarrassed by the behaviour of his Norman bishops and abbots, King William I asked monk Guitmond to come over and set an example.


A Feast in Time of Slaughter

After winning the English crown at the Battle of Hastings, William of Normandy ensured everyone understood what kind of man their new King was.


The Voyage of Sigurd

Back in the eleventh century English refugees founded New York, but it wasn’t in North America.


Home from Home

In Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire, a man from Kent founded a glittering church for English refugees.


The Battle of Hastings

After King Edward the Confessor died childless, Europe’s princes stepped forward to claim the prize of England’s crown.


Welcome to Micklegarth

After the Norman Conquest, thousands of disappointed Englishmen departed for a new life in the Byzantine world.