
Zenaide Alexeievna Ragozin

in The Copy Book

There are three posts in The Copy Book tagged Zenaide Alexeievna Ragozin. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Last Voyage of Scyld of the Sheaf

The Old English epic ‘Beowulf’ tells how Scyld, beloved King of the Danes, was committed to the ocean at his death — just as he had been at his birth.


Grendel’s Mother

After driving the man-eating ogre Grendel from Hrothgar’s hall, Beowulf must now deal with Grendel’s anguished and vengeful mother.


Death Grip

The terrible monster Grendel, secure in the knowledge that no blade can bite him, bursts into Hrothgar’s hall expecting another meal of man-flesh.