
Paros Island, Greece

in The Copy Book

There are eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Paros Island, Greece. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Samuel Greig

Scotsman Samuel Greig so impressed his superiors at the Admiralty in London that he was sent as an adviser to the Russian Imperial Navy.


A Personal Favour

Over a hundred young Greeks were slated to be shot after resistance fighters and British forces sabotaged an airfield.


Wrath Reawakened

During the Orlov Revolt of 1769, Greek islanders get their hands on a copy of Homer’s epic tale of Troy.


Manto Mavrogenous

In 1822, a rich and beautiful young woman took the cause of Greek independence into her capable hands.


‘I can walk’

A mother is determined to see that her disabled daughter gets the help she needs.


The Spy

In 1910, Constantine Zervakos, a young monk from the Greek island of Paros, found himself charged with espionage.