
Magna Carta

in The Copy Book

There are six posts in The Copy Book tagged Magna Carta. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Selections from the Great Charter

By the Great Charter of 1215, King John promised that his ministers would not meddle in the Church or stuff his Treasury with taxes on trade.


The Battle of Lewes

The Battle of Lewes in 1263 took place just a few miles from the Battle of Hastings two centuries before it, and was arguably as important.


The Provisions of Oxford

When King Henry III’s barons turned up to his council wearing full armour, he realised he had to mend his ways.


The Good Reign of Bad King John

Lord Macaulay believed that the disastrous reign of King John brought the country together.


The Langbaurgh Charter

Peter de Brus and his tenants agreed to work together after King John ordered a crackdown on unpaid rents.


The Signing of the Great Charter

King John promised his nobles respect, but he was not a man to regard his word as his bond.