
History of Africa 12 posts Page 1 of 2


Discovery and Invention

Thundering Smoke

David Livingstone relives the historic moment when he became the first European to see the Victoria Falls.

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for History of Africa

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History of Africa

Padgett, MP

Lord Cromer, a former Consul-General of Egypt, expressed his frustration at politicians who set too much store by Foreign Office briefings.

Winston Spencer Churchill

The Uganda Railway

When it opened in 1901, the Uganda Railway still wasn’t in Uganda, and Westminster’s MPs were still debating whether or not to build it.

History of Africa

Mauled by a Lion

The villagers of Mabutso in Southern Africa begged Dr David Livingstone to rid them of a menacing pride of lions.

History of Africa

The Peacemaker

American historian David Montgomery credited King Edward VII with bringing peace to Europe, the Empire and the world.

Discovery and Invention

Thundering Smoke

David Livingstone relives the historic moment when he became the first European to see the Victoria Falls.

History of Africa

Africa’s Competitive Edge

Four years before the bloody American civil war, Dr David Livingstone proposed a peaceful way to rid the world of slavery.