
Gardens and Gardening

in The Copy Book

There are eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Gardens and Gardening. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Our England is a Garden

There is plenty of work in the garden of England for everyone, whether they have a green thumb or not.


A Good Morning’s Work

When Joseph Paxton, then just twenty-three, came to Chatsworth as Head Gardener he wasted no time getting settled in.


Top Banana

It was during the troubled reign of Charles I that the very first bananas seen in Britain went on display.


Paxton’s Palace

The steering committee for the Great Exhibition of 1851 turned down all 245 designs submitted for the iconic venue.


An Exhibition of Fair Play

After Joseph Paxton won the competition to design the venue for the Great Exhibition of 1851, he recalled how his rival had helped him.


The Artist Gardener

Gertrude Jekyll explains the difference between a garden and a collection of plants.