
Free Trade and Markets

in The Copy Book

There are thirty-eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Free Trade and Markets. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Picking on Cotton

The politicians of Georgian England went to surprising lengths to shield domestic businesses from overseas competition.


A Hot Tip

Benjamin Disraeli revealed the secret behind holding one’s place at the top of Parisian society.


The Greatest Mart Town of all Muscovy

Flemish merchants hoping to prosper in Russia’s commercial capital received a nasty shock.


With Good Intent and Friendly Desire

Ivan the Terrible offered free trade to English merchants throughout his dominions.


Excess Postage

Rowland Hill calculated that a lower, flatter rate of postage would not only make the public better off and better read, but increase the Revenue.


A Conflict of Interest

Economist Adam Smith warned that when Western commercial interests get involved in policy-making abroad, war and want are sure to follow.