
Extracts from Mediaeval Literature

in The Copy Book

There are thirty posts in The Copy Book tagged Extracts from Mediaeval Literature. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Oct 18 (ns) The Battle of Assandun (1016) 1 post

From the Archive


The Siege of Saint-James

Henry VI’s campaign to confirm himself as King of France looked to be in trouble after the Duke of Brittany switched sides.


A Tail of Woe

Reynard the Fox was mortified to hear his efforts to rescue Isegrim’s wife from a frozen lake had been misinterpreted.


Vige, the Viking’s Dog

Vige was the inseparable companion of swashbuckling Viking warlord Olaf Tryggvason, who picked him up in Ireland.


Fair and Loving Words

On the night when Edward IV won his crown back from Henry VI, he had to decide how to deal with those who had still been backing Henry during the day.


An Admirable English Custom

Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus urged Fausto Andrelini not to miss out on England’s enchanting contribution to good manners.


‘I Have No Quarrel With Any Man’

Magnus, Earl of Orkney, disappointed King Magnus of Norway by refusing to get involved in somebody else’s war.