
Biographical Extracts 59 posts Page 1 of 10


Character and Conduct

On Equal Terms

An aristocratic statesman was choked with emotion as he reflected on Britain’s creative social mobility.

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Left Holding the Baby

A gentleman travelling home from London by train reached his destination carrying more than he set out with.

Thomas Medwin

Byron Swims the Hellespont

Byron felt compelled to set the record straight after it was alleged that he had swum the Hellespont the easy way.

Discovery and Invention

A Rush to Judgment

As a young man, surveyor Thomas Telford was a red-hot political activist who yearned for revolution, but admittedly he had read just one book on the matter.

Music and Musicians

Kelly’s Hero

While on tour in Austria, Irish tenor Michael Kelly was introduced to Mozart, and discovered a man of many talents and much kindness.

Discovery and Invention

A False Economy

Thomas Telford told the parish council of St Chad’s Church in Shrewsbury that their leaky roof was the last thing they should worry about.

Biographical Extracts

The Crimes of Mr Pitt

William Pitt was a rising star of British politics in 1741, so much so that Horace Walpole MP felt he needed his wings clipped — an operation fraught with peril.