
Modern History

in The Copy Book

There are 343 posts in The Copy Book tagged Modern History. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Émilie’s Plan

The night before the Comte de Lavalette was to be executed, his wife Émilie came to visit him with a proposal that left him speechless.


How the Pepyses Kept Twelfth Day

In the family of Samuel Pepys, the Feast of the Epiphany was kept with music, cake and quaint traditions.


The Indian Mutiny

The Indian Mutiny began with a revolt among disgruntled soldiers, and ended with the making of the British Raj.


The Causes of the Indian Mutiny

Incompetence, arrogance and some mischievous propaganda all conspired to throw India into chaos.


Seeds of Empire

The British Empire may be said to have started when Elizabethan importers got into a fight with the Dutch over the price of pepper.


Sing Us a Song of Zion

The Sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra welcomed his guests from Christian England with an unexpected gesture of friendship.