
Bible and Saints

Passages of history, wonder and spiritual counsel, drawn from the Bible and from the lives of the saints and martyrs, with a special attention to those of the British isles.

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The Harrowing of Hell

Will Langland tells how after the crucifixion, the soul of Christ went down to Hades to fetch Piers the Ploughman and the rest of hopeless humanity.


Trial and Crucifixion

In ‘Do-bet,’ the sequel to his popular ‘Vision of Piers the Ploughman,’ Will Langland dreams about the trial of Jesus Christ before Pontius Pilate, and what followed.


The Triumphal Entry

Will Langland, a contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer, dreams he is looking for his old friend Piers the Ploughman in Jerusalem just when Christ rides in on a donkey.


Gifts of the Spirit

Anglo-Saxon poet Cynewulf reminds us that God’s gifts to men are many and varied, and nobody ever gets them all.


‘To the Heights!’

St Gregory Palamas struggled all his life to stand up for the principle that the Bible means what it says.


St George, Patron Saint of England

George served in the Roman army and lies buried in Israel, yet he makes an ideal patron for England.