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Lives of the Saints

St Nicholas and the Unjust Judge

Trouble comes to the town of Myra when Imperial soldiers are despatched to put down a revolt.

History of Africa

Lost for Words

Welsh journalist Henry Stanley is despatched by head office in New York to find a missing British explorer.

Modern History

The Machinery of State

Human beings should not be frantic cogs spinning away in the Government’s factory of Progress.

Lives of the Saints

A Tale of Two Springs

The way St Cuthbert found water for his island retreat confirmed that Northumbria’s church was the real thing.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Sorrowful Ravens

The Northumbrian monk was touched by two thieving birds who repented of their misdeeds.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Barley Reivers

Bede is reminded of another great Christian saint when St Cuthbert shoos some troublesome crows from his barley crop.