
Greek and Roman Myths

in The Copy Book

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Phrixus and the Golden Fleece

Long before Jason came to claim it, the golden fleece had already saved a boy’s life.


Hephaestus and the Love Net

When he caught his wife with her lover, the ugly blacksmith of the gods showed that he was not without his pride.


Heracles at the Crossroads

The gods had given Heracles every grace of body and mind, but there was one thing he must do for himself: choose how to use them.


The Hunt for the Wild Boar of Calydon

Artemis, goddess of the hunt, pursued a bitter and relentless vengeance upon a king who carelessly slighted her.


Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus would lose his beloved wife Eurydice to death not once, but twice.


Perseus and Andromeda

Wielding the Gorgon’s head, Perseus saves a beautiful maiden from a ravening sea-monster.