
Greek and Roman Myths 44 posts Page 1 of 8


Greek and Roman Myths

Apple of Discord

Thetis snubs Eris, goddess of Discord, and sets off a series of events leading to the Trojan War.

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for Greek and Roman Myths

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Greek and Roman Myths

The Doom of the Danaides

By day Danaus had to watch his fifty unhappy daughters marry their fifty cruel cousins, but the wedding night was yet to come.

Greek Myths

The Fall of Icarus

Trapped in Crete with his son Icarus, the craftsman and inventor Daedalus realises a bold and desperate plan to get away.

Greek Myths

Lover’s Leap

Joseph Addison tells the legend of the great Greek poetess Sappho and the Lover’s Leap.


The Shipwreck of Simonides

Simonides always believed that a man with a trade was wealthier than a man with a full purse.

Publius Virgilius Maro

‘Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts’

After spending years besieging the city of Troy, the Greek armies suddenly decamp, leaving behind only an enormous wooden sculpture of a horse.

Greek Myths

Scylla and Charybdis

After safely negotiating the alluring Sirens, Odysseus and his crew must now decide which of Scylla and Charybdis would do the least damage.