
Myths and Legends

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Indian Myths

The King of the Banyan Deer

The lord of Benares is so partial to venison that fields lie fallow and marketplaces stand empty while his people catch deer for him.

Aesop of Samos

Governor Wolf

Following the election of a new leader, the wolves listen with approval to his plans for a fairer pack but there is something they don’t know.


Heracles and the Flea

A man begs the mighty Heracles to save him the effort of despatching a flea.


Heracles and the Waggoner

Heracles refuses to come to the aid of man who is perfectly able to help himself.

Aesop of Samos

Dog Collar

A scrawny wolf listens enviously as a well-fed dog describes the comforts of home, but a flat patch of fur on the dog’s neck worries him.

Aesop of Samos

The Wolf, the Fox and the Monkey

A Wolf and a Fox go to court over a petty theft, but they have a hard time getting the Judge to believe them.