
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) remains one of the most popular of all English novelists. Many of his characters have become proverbial: Mr Micawber for naive optimism, Wackford Squeers for harsh school discipline, Uriah Heep for false humility, and of course Ebenezer Scrooge for misanthropy. His stories were one of the chief driving forces behind rising literacy in the Victorian age, and changes in public policy from schools to welfare and sanitation. All was done with charm, humour and common sense.

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Demetrius the Diver

A survivor of the infamous massacre of Chios in 1821 goes to Marseilles, but discovers he has not entirely left the Turks behind.


No Thoroughfare

At twenty-five and owner of his own business, Walter Wilding thought his world was secure, but it was about to be rocked to its foundations.


The Duel

Sir Mulberry Hawk’s coarse conduct towards Kate Nickleby has awoken a spark of decency in Lord Frederick Verisopht.


One Last Question

English lawyer Sydney Carton goes to the guillotine in place of a French aristocrat.


Mr Snawley Thinks Ahead

Mr Snawley has two stepsons he would like to offload, and Mr Squeers seems just the right person to help him.


Kate gets a Dressing-Down

Kate Nickleby must bite her lip as she experiences snobbery for the first time.