
Political Extracts

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Liberty and Prosperity

No Platform

Fiery young attorney Thomas Erskine stood up in the House of Commons to denounce a bill aiming to silence critics of the Government.

Free Trade and Markets

The Petition of the Candlemakers

Frédéric Bastiat made a tongue-in-cheek appeal to the French government, asking them to protect candlemakers from a cut-throat competitor.

Free Trade and Markets

The Broken Window

Inspired by economists in Britain, Frédéric Bastiat explained to his own Government why their initiatives to boost the economy so often fail.

Extracts from Literature


Educational reformer Emily Davies argued that Victorian women had more to offer society than a purely ornamental erudition.

John Stuart Mill

Losing Steam

Those in Power may imagine that a docile and compliant public makes Government run more smoothly, but a society of that kind just won’t move forward.

John Stuart Mill

Three Aspects of Liberty

John Stuart Mill set out three kinds of liberty essential to a truly free society: freedom of conscience, of tastes, and of association.