
Greek and Roman Myths

in The Copy Book

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Heracles and the Birds of Lake Stymphalia

Our hero is sent to deal with some man-eating birds, but cannot reach their lakeside refuge.


The Tragedy of King Oedipus

Oedipus flees home in an attempt to escape a dreadful prophecy, unware that it is following at his heels.


Heracles and the Augean Stables

Heracles shows his capacity for thinking outside the box, but spoils it by trying to be just a little bit too clever.


Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar

Snaring a wild boar turns out to be much less dangerous than keeping centaurs away from their wine.


Bellerophon and the Chimera

The wronged hero vanquishes a dreadful monster with the help of a winged horse, but then it all goes to his head.


The Sword of Damocles

A reminder that those with extreme wealth and power have everything but the peace to enjoy it.