
Extracts from Literature

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Classical History

Brought to their Knees

Agricola, tasked with subduing the people of Britain to Roman colonial government, persuaded them to wear servitude as a badge of refinement.

Extracts from Literature

Exit Lord Pudding

Piqued by the way French and German literati mocked the English, Charles Dickens urged his compatriots to be the better men.

Robert Louis Stevenson

On Falling in Love

Shortly after meeting Fanny Osbourne, Robert Louis Stevenson reflected on the different ways in which falling in love affects a man.

Georgian Era

On Love of Country

Richard Price argued that the true patriot does not scold other countries for being worse than his own; he inspires his own country to be better than it is.

Georgian Era

My Standard of a Statesman

Edmund Burke expressed his frustration at the arrogance of politicians who have no regard for our Constitutional heritage.


The Cherry Tree

In the Great War, the Japanese were among Britain’s allies, and the Japanese cherry was a symbol of the courage demanded by the times.