Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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John Harrison’s Marine Chronometer

When Harrison won the Longitude Prize, fair and square, Parliament wouldn’t pay up.


John Logie Baird

Baird’s inventions didn’t always work as well as his televisions.


Keep away from the Games!

The wise old philosopher had learnt that popular entertainments rot the soul.


The Keeper of the Gate

A widow cast her precious icon into the sea rather than see it dishonoured by government agents, but that wasn’t the end of the story.


The Kitchen Cat

Ruth Lorimer’s strangely comfortless life changes when she finds a scruffy little cat on the stairs, but not everyone is pleased.


The Ladder with Twenty-Four Rungs

The Duke of Argyll was pleasantly surprised to find one of his gardeners reading a learned book of mathematics - in Latin.