
Lives of the Saints

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Lives of the Saints

St Erkenwald, Light of London

The seventh-century Bishop of London helped kings and clergy to shine Christian light into the darkness of mere religion.

Lives of the Saints

Undoubting Thomas

Abbot Elfric praised St Thomas for demanding hard evidence for the resurrection.

Lives of the Saints

Tamed by Wisdom, Freed by Grace

Abbot Elfric expounds a Palm Sunday text to explain how Christianity combines orderly behaviour with intelligent and genuine liberty.

Lives of the Saints

Breaking Death

For Jesus Christ to step down alive from his cross would have been a mighty miracle, but not the mightiest.


The Six Leaps of Faith

The eighth-century English bishop and poet Cynewulf explores a prophecy from the Song of Solomon.

Bible and Saints

At Heaven’s Gate

The eighth-century English bishop and poet Cynewulf takes us to the threshold of God’s holy city, and gives us a choice.