
Liberty and Prosperity

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The Second World War

The Girl in the Barn

Ten British POWs in German-occupied Poland decide to help a young Jewish woman escape the SS and a death march to the sea.

Tudor Era

Asylum Christi

Samuel Smiles explains how Tudor England was transformed from sleepy backwater to hive of industry.

Discovery and Invention

Not for Sale

Sir Humphry Davy pleads with Britain’s scientists not to be bought by Napoleon’s gold.

Liberty and Prosperity

Folly and Freedom

Britain’s colonies were founded to supply her Government with gold, but instead they supplied her people with liberty.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Empire of Enterprise

Adam Smith credited the British Empire’s success not to the policy of her Government, but to the character of her people.

Georgian Era

Portrait of a Lady

Edmund Burke takes time off from campaigning for liberty to reflect on the delights of captivity.