
Discovery and Invention

Tales of scientific innovation and merchant enterprise, from steam power and life-saving medicines to new trade partners far away, and new ways to reach them.

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Perfection is no Trifle

Michelangelo had a message for all serious entrepreneurs.


Richard Arkwright

Arkwright invented the factory, without which modern life would be impossible.


The Science of Salix

Edward Stone wondered if the willow tree might have more in common with the Peruvian cinchona tree than just its damp habitat.


Sir Titus Salt

His alpaca-wool mills near Bradford proved the social benefits of private enterprise in the right hands.


The Star that Winked

John Goodricke’s observations of Algol won him the Copley Medal while still in his teens, despite his disability.


The Tea-Cup Revolutionary

Josiah Wedgwood, a village potter whose disability meant he could not use a potter’s wheel, brought about a quiet revolution in English society.