
Extracts from Literature

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Abolition of Slavery

Away with Compulsion!

John Wesley called for a world in which no one was forced to go against his conscience or to serve against his will.

Abolition of Slavery

Make the Case Your Own

John Wesley wondered how those involved in the slave trade would feel if the tables were ever turned on them.

Liberty and Prosperity

War is Such a Taxing Business

Sydney Smith warned ordinary Americans that encouraging the hawks in Washington would cost them more than blood.


The Grandest of All Sepulchres

On the annual Remembrance Day of ancient Athens, Pericles rose to remind the people of the City that grief alone was not the best way to honour the fallen.

Extracts from Literature

‘Have a Care What You Do’

Lord George Gordon marched at the head of 50,000 protestors to the House of Commons, to demand that George III’s England did not become like Louis XVI’s France.

Sport and Sportsmen

Surrey vs Hampshire

‘Rain stopped play’ but it did not stop the ladies of Surrey and Hampshire from finishing their epic struggle at the Newington ground.