Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Judicial Iniquity

John Stuart Mill reminds us that governments and the courts must never be allowed to criminalise matters of belief or opinion.


The Bashful Young Gentleman

Charles Dickens sketches for us the shyly ingratiating youth who gets himself in a tangle in the presence of Beauty.


The Outbreak of the Second World War

The only truly global conflict in history began when German troops crossed into Poland in September 1939.


Abraham Darby I

To the poor of England, the Worcestershire man gave affordable pots and pans, and to all the world he gave the industrial revolution.


The War of the Spanish Succession

After Louis XIV’s grandson Philip inherited the throne of Spain, the ‘Sun King’ began to entertain dreams of Europe-wide dominion.


The Arts of Fair Rowena

Charles Dickens believed that Britain’s Saxon invaders gained power by force of arms – but not by weapons.