
Political Extracts

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British National Character

The Liberty-Lovers

American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson praises the English public for still loving freedom, despite their politicians.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Real Merchant

William Cobbett makes a distinction between everyday business and the murky world of Westminster lobbyists and financial speculation.

Liberty and Prosperity

Free Trade, Free Peoples

Oldham’s firebrand MP William Cobbett rips into the the City of London for blocking economic and political progress in India.

Tudor Era

Asylum Christi

Samuel Smiles explains how Tudor England was transformed from sleepy backwater to hive of industry.

Character and Conduct

The Absent Minded Conquerors

Sir John Seeley urged us to cherish our close ties to India and other nations beyond Europe.

Indian History

An Avoidable Tragedy

Adam Smith argued that the Bengal Famine of 1769 would have been much less of a tragedy under a free trade policy.