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Lives of the Saints

Crayke Abbey

The long-lost monastery at Crayke in North Yorkshire was home to two saints with different but equally valuable gifts.

Lives of the Saints

St Erkenwald, Light of London

The seventh-century Bishop of London helped kings and clergy to shine Christian light into the darkness of mere religion.

Discovery and Invention

Russia’s First Railway

Sixteen-year-old John Wesley Hackworth brought a locomotive over to St Petersburg, and Russia’s railway revolution was ready for the off.

Discovery and Invention

The Ladies’ Diary

A long-lived annual of riddles, rhymes and really hard maths aimed specifically at Georgian Britain’s hidden public of clever women.

Discovery and Invention

John Dalton

At fifteen John Dalton was a village schoolmaster in Kendal; at forty he had published the first scientific theory of atoms.

Lives of the Saints

Undoubting Thomas

Abbot Elfric praised St Thomas for demanding hard evidence for the resurrection.