
Herbert Bury

in The Copy Book

There are five posts in The Copy Book credited to Herbert Bury. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)


If Russia Gives a Lead

As war engulfed Europe, an Anglican bishop called on Russia to unite the world’s Christians around their veneration for the Bible.


Prav’, Britaniya!

Herbert Bury’s duties took him back to St Petersburg after the Russian revolution of 1917, but all he could think of was how it used to be.


A Growing Reputation

Herbert Bury distinguished two kinds of overseas investment, and only one was worthy of Englishmen.


‘Not to Exploit, Sir, but to Help’

Herbert Bury believed that it was the British way to profit with another country, not to profit from it.


Dear Elizabeth

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria, but to one ordinary Russian she was simply ‘dear Elizabeth’.