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# The Psalms

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# The Psalms

Choir stalls, Ripon Cathedral. Photo by Michael D. Beckwith. Public domain image.
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The Psalms 8 posts

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The Psalms

Seven Penitential Psalms

Seven psalms chosen by Cassiodorus (?485-?585) for expressing heartfelt repentance and confident hope.

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The Psalms

Tate and Brady’s Psalter

A metrical translation of the Book of Psalms, done into rhyming English verse.

The Psalms

Seven Penitential Psalms

Seven psalms chosen by Cassiodorus (?485-?585) for expressing heartfelt repentance and confident hope.

The Psalms

St Ambrose’s Psalms

A small collection of psalms recommended by St Ambrose (1812-1891) of the Optina Monastery in Russia.

The Psalms

St Theophan’s Psalms

Psalms suitable for memorisation, selected by St Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894), one of the Russian Church’s foremost authorities on prayer.

St Bede of Jarrow

The Abbreviated Psalter of St Bede

A collection of verses from the Book of Psalms breathing the repentance, the hope and the joy of the whole Psalter.

The Psalms

The Coverdale Psalms

A translation of the Psalms made by Yorkshireman Myles Coverdale in 1535, and included in the Book of Common Prayer ever after.