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Indian History
The Tea Committee
Sir William Hunter looks back over a Government committee’s plan to introduce tea cultivation to India in 1834.
by Sir William Wilson Hunter 1840-1900
An Avoidable Tragedy
Adam Smith argued that the Bengal Famine of 1769 would have been much less of a tragedy under a free trade policy.
by Adam Smith 1723-1790
Courage Under Fire
Robert Clive turned seven hundred frightened recruits into crack troops by sheer force of personality.
by Thomas Babington Macaulay 1800-1859
History of China
The First Opium War
In 1840, the British Government declared war on the Chinese Empire over their harsh treatment of drug smugglers from Bengal.
by Jawaharlal Nehru 1889-1964
The Second World War
Hearts of Steel
The Maharaja of Jodhpur called on his subjects to do their bit and stop the Nazis.
by Maharaja Umaid Singh of Jodhpur 1903-1947
Justice and Equity
After the East India Company quieted the Maratha Confederacy in 1805, Harsukh Rai looked forward to a new era of good government.
by Harsukh Rai fl. 1799-1805