© N. Chadwick, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

Meals of Eels

About this picture …

A puffin in the Farne Islands off the Northumberland coast. He seems to be holding on well to these proverbially slippery customers.

Cucumber and Mustard

Complete the proverbial similes below with a suitable word. We have given some suggestions underneath.

1. As ... as a post. 2. As ... as Punch. 3. As ... as mustard. 4. As ... as a lion. 5. As ... as a doornail. 6. As ... as an elephant. 7. As ... as a dove. 8. As ... as a whistle. 9. As ... as coal. 10. As ... as the grave. 11. As ... as a March hare. 12. As ... as a drum. 13. As ... as gold. 14. As ... as the driven snow. 15. As ... as night. 16. As ... as a house. 17. As ... as a bug in a rug. 18. As ... as a mule. 19. As ... as iron. 20. As ... as a button.

Big. Black. Blind. Brave. Bright. Clean. Clear. Cold. Cool. Cunning. Dark. Dead. Deaf. Drunk. Dull. Easy. Faithful. Fierce. Fit. Flat. Fresh. Gentle. Good. Grey. Hard. Keen. Light. Limp. Loyal. Mad. Mild. Nervous. Old. Plain. Pleased. Pure. Quick. Quiet. Regular. Rich. Right. Safe. Sharp. Silent. Slippery. Slow. Sly. Small. Smooth. Snug. Soft. Sound. Strong. Stubborn. Sweet. Tenacious. Thin. Tight. Timid. Warm. Weak. White. Wise.

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