Grendel’s Mother

After her wild attack on Hrothgar’s hall in revenge for the death of her son, Grendel’s mother sought refuge in her lair beneath a mire. Beowulf leapt recklessly after her into the waters, and sank down until the hag herself drew him into a vast submarine chamber, tall, dry and strewn with grisly mementos of her human prey.

Beowulf immediately took the fight to the wretched creature, but found that his sword would not bite on her flesh. Nor could she pierce his mail with her claws, but she did manage to throw him on the ground and drew her knife. But Beowulf’s mail shirt saved him, and wriggling free he regained his feet.

The fight fared ill for Beowulf, until his glance fell on a huge sword among the weapons scattered about the cave. With it he swept off the hag’s head, and after a moment to recover himself struck the head off Grendel’s corpse too for a trophy. Yet no sooner was it done, than the blade melted away before his eyes.

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